photo by Stafford Photo

photo by Stafford Photo

Featured musical example: North Loop.


Create Something Beautiful…NOW

Mike Olson is both a self taught and classically trained composer with an unusually diverse musical background. He has moved through a wide variety of compositional styles and methods in his restless search for a means of artistic expression that is truly authentic and personal. In more recent years, this search has brought him back around full circle to his earliest musical roots, where he has abandoned any notion of self-conscious formalism in favor of a far more intuitive approach to music making.

A significant change in Mike's work in recent years has been his development of a fragment-based compositional process, wherein compositions are created from many discrete musical gestures. Please refer to the Process link above for a detailed description of this compositional method, which merges the manipulation of musical material, musical performance and audio recording into one tightly integrated compositional processes.