Stage Matrix 2

This piece was composed in 1985 and is a follow-on to my 1983 Stage Matrix I.  As was true of that piece, the actual physical matrix is laid out on the floor of a stage or performance space, and the performers move through it.  Unlike Stage Matrix 1, this piece incorporates specific pitch content.  The score is in C.  So, any transposing instruments would have to transpose on the fly.  The instrumentation is open to any instruments that can play at least some of the pitches and physically move through the matrix.  The number of performers is also unspecified.  (Probably more than 1 and less than 20.)  I no longer have the performance notes for this piece, but I think this is how it works:  There is a basic tempo established by four conductors, positioned on the four sides of the matrix, (so whichever way a performer is facing, they can see one of the conductors).  The function of the four conductors could also be accomplished through the application of theatrical lighting, gently pulsing the 4/4 timing.  The performers enter the matrix and freely improvise using the only specific pitches specified for the particular square they are standing in.  They may then choose to move to any adjacent square whenever they like, but only on beat one of the 4/4 measure being conducted.  The performers just continue to move through the matrix as they see fit.  The length of the piece is determined by the performers.  Individual performers stop by exiting the matrix from one of the squares around it's edge.  Once a performer has left the matrix, they may not re-enter.  So, this piece relies heavily on the improvisational and musical instincts of the performers.  Every performance will be different.  It should also very striking visually, though I have never seen it, seeing as it has never been performed. 

Stage Matrix 2